
Showing posts from May, 2023


Why me? Ever since I was born I have be thinking Why me? When others were happy why am I only the one? who is sad When other's were enjoying  Why is the only me? Who is suffering But now I come to realize That inorder to earn the best You have to fight through Some bad days of your life The more I was in problem  The stronger I become  So when life puts you in problem Don't say "WHY ME" Rather say "CHALLENGE ME"

What is my heart?

  No body knows what my heart feels, because I always play and laugh Yet if someone looks deep inside I bet they'll simply be amazed I lost my one and only beloved, Yet I believed that some sweet day I will find her, O yes! I will Won't but the sun shine again I  pray for that bright day When we are back together And I don't mind waiting, Even if it takes forever I'll keep searching you, No matter how long it takes.

A Smile

  A smile is a quite a funny things It wrinkles at your face And when it is gone You will  never find It's secrets hiding place But for wonderful it is To see what smile can do You smile at once  he smile at you And one mile can makes TWO So, each any everyone smile for me                            


OH! MADAM My lovely sweet madam You are so beautiful, With a heart so helpful. I am a student of yours,  Who understands what you teach And always respect you,  From the care of my heart . OH! MADAM If  I were you child; I will be so glad,  To be your sweet daughter When you scold me,  I will take it as an advise And when you care me, I will treat you as my mother. OH! MADAM I am so sorry I have been naughty And not very nice I am so sorry I remember you every moment You bloom forever Every in the hearts of the students!


The foot of  Education  is bitter but fruit is sweet like wise when we learn it from begining, it is very hard. Education  is must for both men and women equally as both together makes a healthy and educated society. Education helps us to set a goal and go ahead by working on that throughout the life it improves our knowledges, skills, confidence level and personality. Education brings maturity and teaches us to live in society with changing environment. so lastly, Education is like pillar to build our life. therefore, learning education is very important.


 Never apologize for what you could not give me when i was growing up. as i know you gave all could. Never fear you did not prepare me for the real world, as you did and you did it well. never regard what might have been, as i am happy enough with what was. never think that because sometimes i got mad at decision you made for me that i did not understand that you only were thinking for me. Never doubt for a moment that despite how i might have behaved  at times  that i did not dearly  love you, as  i did, still do and always will.